Attention car owners in Dongguan! Gasoline prices are about to change!
2022-04-25 14:12:20 浏览:142次 【

Remind all car owners

before friday

There will be another round of petrol price adjustments

According to current trends

Gasoline prices are likely to rise again

There may be a "seventh increase" this year

After the international gasoline price fell by more than 4% last week, the domestic gasoline price cyclical statistical increase has also been reduced accordingly. The change rate of crude oil was 5.40%, which was reduced from the previous increase of 320 yuan/ton to 225 yuan/ton, but it was still in the rising range, and the increase rate was still close to 20%. The price adjustment date is getting closer and closer, and it is predicted that gasoline prices will rise for the "seventh time" this year.

Today is April 24, the 6th working day of the current statistical cycle. It is predicted that gasoline prices will increase by 225 yuan/ton, equivalent to 0.17-0.19 yuan/liter. The next round of gasoline price adjustment will be at 24:00 on April 28, 2022.

After the last round of adjustment

Gasoline prices have fallen

Owners' wallets take a breather

did not expect

Price hike is coming

Please remind each other to add gas in advance

However, due to the frequent and large fluctuations of the original gasoline recently

Please refer to the Development and Reform Commission for the final ups and downs

The published news shall prevail

The previous forecast is for reference only

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