Dongguan Library reopens! Be the first to read Douban books with high scores
2022-04-19 14:27:44 浏览:164次 【

Dear readers: In accordance with the spirit of the relevant instructions in the "Notice of the Office of the Dongguan Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters (No. 58)", our library will resume opening services from April 14, 2022. Readers are requested to make an appointment on the WeChat public account in advance. The total number of people who make appointments to enter the library every day is 5,000, and the number of people in the library is controlled within 1,000. Entering the museum must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours, and cooperate with the implementation of prevention and control measures such as disinfection, temperature measurement, site code scanning, and wearing masks.

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