China Weightlifting Museum is to open in DG! 10月打卡东莞新地标!
2024-08-16 09:10:35 浏览:62次 【






The China Weightlifting Museum (currently in preparation) is in the final stages before its official opening, which is expected in October this year. Even before its opening, the museum has already garnered significant attention. Let's check it out some of the unique features of this museum.



Collections further enriched


So far, the China Weightlifting Museum has collected approximately 6,000 items (sets) of artifacts, including precious items like the "Olympic Silver Medal," the "World Record Creator Trophy," and weightlifting barbells from the Beijing and Tokyo Olympics.


In addition, the "Oral History of Weightlifting" project, conducted alongside the artifact collection, has completed interviews with 134 notable Chinese weightlifters (including 30 Olympic champions), referees, and coaches. The museum has also collected over 100 handprints of weightlifting champions, including those of Li Wenwen, Hou Zhihui, and Li Fabin, who just won weightlifting gold medals at Paris Olympics and have donated their champion handprints and exhibit items.


The China Weightlifting Museum has also invited renowned artists to create sculptures, lacquer murals, and other weightlifting-themed artworks.


Additionally, the museum features numerous interactive installations that are both fun and educational, providing an engaging experience for visitors.



"Museum within a Museum"


The China Weightlifting Museum is designed with the concept of "Together, we can preserve our memories and sustain our future." It employs a "restoration to its original state" architectural approach, retaining the basic appearance of the old Shilong Sports School building while adding a modern flat layer on top. This creates a unique "museum within a museum" structure, showcasing the perfect blend of modern architectural techniques with traditional architecture.






Shilong to host

national weightlifting events


Shilong Town, known as the "Famous Weightlifting Town of China," has previously hosted events such as the Asian Youth Weightlifting Championships and the National Men's Weightlifting Championship, demonstrating its deep weightlifting culture and experience in organizing events. Shilong will continue to host prestigious events, including the 2024 National Weightlifting Championship and weightlifting events for the 15th National Games and the Paralympic Games. This will be an opportunity to showcase the charm and vitality of Shilong Town, further enhancing its reputation as the "Hometown of Weightlifting" and establishing it as a new cultural landmark in Dongguan.



Edited and posted by Nicole

Source from 印象石龙、宜居石龙

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