It's called herbal tea, but why is it hot|明明叫“凉茶”,为什么是热的?
2023-06-30 14:05:31
凉茶是粤、港、澳地区人民根据当地的气候、水土特征,在长期预防疾病与保健的过程中,以中医养生理论为指导,总结出的一种具有清热解毒、生津止渴、祛火除湿等功效的日常饮料。你是否会把喝凉茶当作一种消暑的方法呢?喝凉茶能消暑的理论又从何而来呢?一起跟着今天的文章来了解一下吧!As with many tenets of Chinese culture, liangcha is about promoting harmony and balance within the body and, in particular, ridding it of too much heat. And it's not just all about the weather. It is believed that different foods carry a different amount of heat or coolness with them, such as nuts, chocolate, cherries and chili all being considered "hot", and beans, bananas, watermelon and tea all being considered "cool". Liangcha can act like coolant for your radiator when it gets too hot, whether from the sun at midday, a particularly fiery curry or if a pesky illness is lurking around the corner.
"As with many tenets of Chinese culture, liangcha is about promoting harmony and balance within the body",与许多中国文化的主旨一样,喝凉茶是为了促进身体内的和谐与平衡。Tenets of Chinese culture,中国文化的主旨。注意词汇tenet,诺兰导演有一部大片叫做《TENET》,中文翻译是《信条》,tenet有信条的意思,但也可表示主旨。这里说凉茶促进身体的和谐和平衡似乎太过笼统,所以作者又接着去解释"and in particular, ridding it of too much heat",特别是消除身体中过多的热量。
▌rid sb/sth of sb/sth
Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime.
rid yourself of sth
文章语境下,这里它其实摆脱的是过多的热量,这个热量和我们平时所说的卡路里(calorie)不太一样,更多指的是中医中的一个概念。"And it's not just all about the weather",并且它不仅仅只与天气有关。后面这一句是说人们认为不同的食物具有不同的热度或凉度。这里注意一下,我们时常会说什么东西性寒,比如螃蟹,英文中不用cold这个词,而是用cool。
在这样一个热性和凉性的环境下,凉茶它扮演的是什么作用呢?"Liangcha can act like coolant for your radiator when it gets too hot",当你体内的散热器过热的时候,凉茶可以发挥冷却剂一样的作用。“…whether from the sun at midday, a particularly fiery curry or if a pesky illness is lurking around the corner”,无论是因为正午的太阳、特辣的咖喱,还是蠢蠢欲动的疾病。这里解释了为什么我们的身体会过热,以上就是部分原因。以热性和寒性的角度来解释,凉茶是凉性的食物,能帮我们的身体降温去热,而并不是因为它自身的温度低。
动词lurk有“潜在、潜伏”的意思,有一种鬼鬼祟祟的感觉,暗含贬义。疾病当然是不好的,这里用lurk精妙地表述出作者的含义。At night, danger lurks in these streets. Why are you lurking around outside my house?