In the town of Qishi in Dongguan, a beautiful and unique spectacle unfolds every spring—the blossoming of golden locust flowers. The streets and alleys of this small town are filled with a subtle floral fragrance, as if the entire town is immersed in a serene sea of flowers.
The golden locust flower serves as a signature symbol of Qishi. Here, the locust flowers bloom in abundance, adorning the entire town and adding a touch of vibrant color to the spring days. When a gentle breeze sweeps through, petals fall like snowflakes, creating a picturesque scene reminiscent of a fairyland.
Strolling through the streets of Qishi, you'll notice that the entire town is enveloped in the beauty of locust flowers. Locust trees on either side of the streets sway gracefully in the spring breeze, their crowns adorned with golden blossoms that emit a pleasant fragrance. Sunlight filters through the gaps in the flower leaves, creating a mottled play of light and shadow, resembling a magnificent painting.
The residents of Qishi are deeply immersed in this poetic and picturesque floral haven. Under the golden locust flowers, people gather to chat, enjoy the tranquility, and savor a cup of light tea, sharing the serenity and beauty of spring. Here, there is no hustle and bustle of urban life—only a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere that seems to suspend time, allowing people to escape from the chaos and appreciate the beauty of life.
Beneath the golden locust flowers, there are also some ancient buildings that bear witness to the development history of Qishi. These old stone houses with white walls and gray tiles, under the backdrop of locust flowers, exude a special tranquility and beauty. Walking through these ancient alleys feels like traversing a tunnel of time, experiencing the accumulation of years and the weight of the town.
The beauty of the golden locust flowers is not confined to daylight hours. In the evening, lights illuminate the entire town, and the locust flowers sway in the gentle breeze, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. As night falls, the town is filled with the fragrance of flowers, creating a serene and pleasant nocturnal ambiance. Strolling through the night, it feels like stepping into a fairyland.
Qishi's golden locust flowers are like a poem and a painting, not just a visual feast but also a solace for the soul. Beneath this floral sea, people feel the beauty of life and discover a sanctuary for the soul. Qishi under the golden locust flowers is a charming and tranquil corner that captivates visitors, making them reluctant to leave and eager to return.
In the midst of the blooming golden locust flowers,
Quickly make plans with family and friends,
Let's go appreciate the flowers together!