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A video of college students in northeastern China wearing military style cotton coats to class has trended on social media platforms. Meanwhile, many young women have started to buy floral coats, which are often on sale.
With the price of down jackets increasing, college students in China have picked up floral cotton-padded jackets and military coats to fend off the winter cold. Thanks to their low cost and high quality, cotton coats have made a major comeback this winter and stormed college campuses. The general thinking among students is that it isn’t about whether or not they can afford a down jacket, but that cotton coats simply provide better quality at a much lower price. 毕竟,一件羽绒服的价格,可以买十件棉大衣。最便宜的军大衣的甚至不到三位数。 在不拘一格的大学生带领下,价格低、用料足的军大衣、花棉袄重回潮流前线,风靡各大高校校园。 One can buy ten cotton coats at the price of one down jacket. The cheapest military style cotton coat costs less than 100 yuan and they have become the most fashionable winter wear for college students in northern China. 本着“只要我不尴尬,冷的就是别人”的态度,完成了一个人穿是显眼包、两个人穿略显尴尬、一群人穿引领潮流的时尚蜕变。 “As long as I don’t feel awkward wearing the coats, it is others who will feel the cold of not wearing them,” said another student. A single person wearing one of these coats is noticeable, and a couple people might be laughed at. But when a group wears them, it’s the latest fashion. 哈尔滨某高校辅导员赵老师说,自己周围学生确实有穿的,特别是赶“早八”的早课时。据学生们反馈,军大衣“很扛冻、贼暖和,就是七八斤左右有点重。” “听说最近也有轻便款的军大衣了,但是丝绵款的不扛风。我都推荐他们去劳保店里买,质量更好。”赵老师笑说。 买件羽绒服不“绒”易 军大衣走红的背后,是羽绒服价格的攀升。 诞生后不到一百年的时间里,羽绒服几乎进入了北方家家户户的衣橱。但保暖之外,越来越多附加值被添加到羽绒服上,导致了其价格的接连攀升。 图源:IC 据中华全国商业信息中心数据,2015年到2020年间,中国的羽绒服均价已经从438元升到656元,大型防寒服的价格突破1000元,其中2000元以上的占比接近70%。 With their light weight, down jackets have been a must-have for many Chinese people. However, the prices have increased. According to data from the China National Commercial Information Center, the average price of down jackets increased from 438 yuan ($62) in 2015 to 656 yuan ($92) in 2020. 在售价越来越高的背后,是羽绒的成本走高了吗? 在江苏从事羽绒服生意的司女士认为还是有的。“今年鹅绒的价格涨得很快,鸭绒一开始还相对稳定,后来也被带起来了一些,这可能跟上游养殖产业有关。” 但司女士认为主要原因还是在下游需求端,众多品牌都开始向高端化发展,对白鹅绒这类高品质原料的需求上涨更明显。“市场上做羽绒的,用鹅绒比往年都多,价格也高了。” The price of goose down has increased, mainly due to the demand at the downstream. Many brands have started to move towards high-end development, resulting in a more significant increase in demand for high-quality materials like white goose down, according to a down jacket seller, surnamed Si, in Jiangsu province. 入冬了,你今年穿啥呢,军大衣、羽绒服还是冲锋衣? 来评论区分享吧。 编辑:邹硕 来源:中国新闻网 外研社